



Share Your Story. Change the World.

If you’ve been affected by adoption and you’d like to share your story, we’d be honored to give your voice a platform to reach those who need to hear it most. One day, because of courageous people like you, we will live in a world that supports women facing the unexpected and embraces the beauty and purpose of every person.

So whether your a birth parent, an adoptive parent or an adoptee, your story deeply matters. Share your story by filling out the form below, and our team will be in touch with you on next steps.

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“What I’ve learned over the years is that it doesn’t matter how you become a mother. Your motherhood is found in your choice and your desire to step into it fully. A birth mother’s choosing to step into her motherhood fully by choosing an adoption plan.”


Adoptive Mom & Author of The Lucky Few

Addie’s Story

“Four years ago today I signed away my rights as Macks mother. For two days I held him in my hospital room, without any sleep, crying frequently, trying to soak up every last moment of the time where it was just us.

Although I have had the most positive experience imaginable with adoption, there are still days I want to give up. I want to stop trying because it hurts to say so many goodbyes and hear the negative comments from people who have never been in my shoes. Its painful to hear what I’ve missed out on and see him run to his mom for comfort. It’s heartbreaking that I don’t know every detail of his personality and every element of his mannerisms. And it’s really hard to fight for a small relationship, when all you want is really big one.

As a birth mom you become a bystander—it’s a lot of standing back and hoping everything falls together. I try really hard to stay positive, and remind myself how lucky I am to know Mack at all, but this time of year seems to feel more raw every year. Happy 4th birthday sweet Mack, you’re the best thing I’ve created and the most radiant human I’ve known.”

— Addie Day

To follow Addie’s adoption journey, check out her instagram @addday_.